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SAN MIGUEL DE LA RIBERA: Acoso psicológico, organización e...

Acoso psicológico, organización e
identidad: análisis desde un foro virtual
Harassment, organization and identity:
analysis of an online forum
Manuel Pulido Martos*, F. Manuel Montalbán Peregrín**, Antonio Palomo
Monereo* y Pedro J. Luque Ramos*
*Universidad de Jaén **Universidad de Málaga
mpulido@ujaen. es
Resumen Abstract
Interactions in internet discussion forums provide data
on a variety of social issues. Forums are often a
for people affected by a given problem;
in fact, cyberspace has become a framework of
reference in the study of such interaction. The ready
availability of the participants’ discourse, and the textual
nature of the forum's contents, facilitate the use of
qualitative methodologies. The present article analyses
harassment in internet forums in order to study its
subjective implications, specially those aspects related
to the formulation of participants' identities. The article
also explores the organizational implications of
harassment, focusing on its structural and functional
Palabras clave: Acoso psicológico; Discurso; Identidad;
Foros virtuales
Keywords: Harassment; Discourse; Identity; Online