Asteráceas (familia), blowball, cankerwort, clock flower, diente de león común, Cicorioideas (subfamilia), compuestas (familia), hierba diente de león, dent de lion, diente de león, dudhal, dumble-dor, fairy clock, fortune teller, hokouei-kon, huang hua di ding (yellow flower earth nail), irish daisy, Leontodon taraxacum , lion's teeth, lion's tooth, Lowenzahn, Lowenzahnwurzel, maelkebotte, milk gowan, min-deul-rre, mok's head, mongoloid dandelion, pee in the bed, pissenlit, ... (ver texto completo)
Asteráceas (familia), blowball, cankerwort, clock flower, diente de león común, Cicorioideas (subfamilia), compuestas (familia), hierba diente de león, dent de lion, diente de león, dudhal, dumble-dor, fairy clock, fortune teller, hokouei-kon, huang hua di ding (yellow flower earth nail), irish daisy, Leontodon taraxacum , lion's teeth, lion's tooth, Lowenzahn, Lowenzahnwurzel, maelkebotte, milk gowan, min-deul-rre, mok's head, mongoloid dandelion, pee in the bed, pissenlit, ... (ver texto completo)